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Recent NRLs publications


SOP - Standard Operating Procedure


Publications from EURL Team

YEAR 2017

Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals

Hirvelä-Koski V, Nylund M, Skrzypczak T, Heikkinen P, Kauhala M, Jay M, Isomursu M, 2017. Isolation of Brucella pinnipedialis from Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Baltic Sea. J Wildl Dis 53:850-853.

Khames M, Mick V, de Miguel MJ, Girault G, Conde-Alvarez R, Khelef D, Oumouna M, Moriyon I, Munoz PM, Zuniga-Ripa A, 2017. The characterization of Brucella strains isolated from cattle in Algeria reveals the existence of a B.abortus lineage distinct from European and Sub-Saharan Africa strains, Vet Microbiol 211:124-128.

Mailles A, Ogielska M, Kemiche F, Garin-Bastuji B, Brieu N, Burnusus Z, Creuwels A, Danjean MP, Guiet P, Nasser V, Tourrand B, Valour F, Maurin M, O'Callaghan D, Mick V, Vaillant V, Jaÿ M, Lavigne JP, De Valk H, 2017. Brucella suis biovar 2 infection in humans in France: emerging infection or better recognition? Epidemiol. Infect. 145:2711-2716.

Consultancy and expertise reports

Collective expertise on Brucellosis at ANSES (Claire Ponsart). Ponsart C, Riou M, Locatelli Y, Fadeau A, Jaÿ M, Jacques I, Simon R, Perrot L, Breton S, Haumeuil T, Blanc B, Ortiz K, Rioult D, Quemere E, Sarradin P, Chollet JY, Garin-Bastuji B, Rossi S, 2017. Expérimentation visant à comparer le niveau d’innocuite du vaccin Rev.1 conjonctival chez le bouquetin des Alpes (Capra ibex) et la chèvre domestique (Capra hircus), Rapport final, 22/07/2017, 56 pp. https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/LABORATOIRE2016SA0224Ra.pdf

Collective, 2017. Evaluation approfondie et réactualisée de mesures de maîtrise du foyer de brucellose chez les bouquetins du Bargy. Saisine Anses 2014-SA-0229, 10/2017, 69 pp. https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/SABA2016SA0229.pdf

Presentations at international conferences and meetings

Girault G, Jaÿ M, Ponsart C, Mick V, 2017. Whole genome sequencing approaches as new challenge for alternatives to conventional methods in Brucella identification: development of rapid and accurate PCR-HRM tool. 70th Annual Brucellosis Research Conference, Chicago, USA, 2-3 December 2017 (Poster P28).

Holzapfel M, Grewis L, Laffont M, Pourquier P, Ponsart C, 2017. Optimized Real-Time PCR assay for detection of Brucella spp. in milk from cattle and small ruminants. 18th conference - World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Sorento, Italia, 8 June 2017 (Comm.).

Holzapfel M, Girault G, Ponsart C, Keriel A, O’Callaghan D, Mick V, 2017. Characterization of Brucella melitensis biovar 3 field strains isolated from an outbreak involving different host species: what about host preference in Brucella? 70th Annual Brucellosis Research Conference, Chicago, USA, 2-3 December 2017 (Comm.).

Holzapfel M, Laffont M, Grewis L, Pourquier P, Ponsart C, 2017. Optimized Real-Time PCR assay for detection of Brucella spp. in milk from cattle and small ruminants. 70th Annual Brucellosis Research Conference, Chicago, USA, 2-3 December 2017 (Poster P9).

Jaÿ M, Girault G, Perrot L, Taunay B, Vuilmet T, Rossignol F, Pitel PH, Picard E, Ponsart C, Mick V, 2017. First isolation of Brucella microti-like bacteria from Rana ridibunda in a domestic frog breeding in France. 70th Annual Brucellosis Research Conference, Chicago, USA, 2-3 December 2017 (Comm.).

Ponsart C, Riou M, Locatelli Y, Fadeau A, Jaÿ M, Jacques I, Simon R, Perrot L, Breton S, Chaumeil T, Blanc B, Ortiz K, Rioult D, Quemere E, Sarradin P, Chollet JY, Garin-Bastuji B, Rossi S, 2017. Rev.1 conjunctival vaccination in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex): comparison of kinetics and distribution of Rev.1 infection and antibody response with domestic goat (Capra hircus). 70th Annual Brucellosis Research Meeting, Chicago, USA, 2-3 December 2017 (Comm.).


YEAR 2016

Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals

Mailles A, Garin-Bastuji B, Lavigne JP, Jay M, Sotto A, Maurin M, Pelloux I, O'Callaghan D, Mick V, Vaillant V, De Valk H. Human brucellosis in France in the 21st century: Results from national surveillance 2004-2013. Med Mal Infect. 2016, 46(8) : 411-418. doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2016.08.007.

Praud A, Durán-Ferrer M, Fretin D, Jaÿ M, O’Connor M, Stournara A, Tittarelli M, Travassos Dias I, Garin-Bastuji B. Evaluation of three competitive ELISAs and of fluorescence polarisation assay for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Vet J. 2016; 216 : 38-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2016.06.014

Presentations at international conferences and meetings

Ferreira Vicente A, Corde Y, Perrot L, De Sousa Ribeiro Mioni M, Borges Keid L, Riesz Salgado V, Jaÿ M, Megid J, Mick . Canine brucellosis in Brazil : existence of an autochthonous lineage. 15th Medical biodefense conference. Munich, Germany; 2016.

Ferreira Vicente A, Corde Y, Perrot L, Mioni M, Keid L, Jaÿ M, Megid J, Mick V. Canine brucellosis in Brazil: assessment of genetic diversity. Brucellosis international Research Conference, New Delhi, 2016 Nov. 17-19, OS5-4, page 75 (oral).

Girault G, Madani N, Jaÿ M, Mendy C, Ponsart C, Mick V. Molecular tools for the discrimination among homogeneous pathogens : example of anthrax, brucellosis and tularemia. 15th Medical Biodefense Conference Munich (Germany); 2016.

Ponsart C, Devaux M, V. M, Girault G, Jay M. Key reference activities for brucellosis in Europe in 2014 : a descriptive survey organised by the European Reference Laboratory (EURL) 4th EAVLD Congress. Prague, Czech republic; 6-9/11/2016 (poster).

Ponsart C, Septfons A, Jay M, O'Callaghan D, De Valk H, Vaillant V, Maurin M, Garin Bastuji B, Mick V, Lavigne JP, Mailles A. Surveillance of human brucellosis in France from 2005 to 2015 highlights evolution of contamination origins. Brucellosis 2016 International research conference. New Delhi, 2016 Nov. 17-19, OS2-3, page 56 (oral).

Presentations at National conferences

Ferreira Vicente A, Corde Y, Perrot L, De Souza Ribeiro Mioni M, Devide Ribeiro B, Jaÿ M, Megid J, V. M. Brucellose canine au Brésil : existence d'une lignée autochtone. 12ème Congrès de la SFM - Paris - Institut Pasteur, France; 2016. (Communication).

Consultancy and expertise reports

Contribution to collective expertise on Brucellosis at ANSES (Claire Ponsart) -brucellosis in small ruminants (Saisine 2015-SA-0182, July 2016) Saisine 2015-SA-0182 (Juillet, 2016). AVIS de l'Anses relatif à la surveillance de la brucellose chez les petits ruminants. https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/SABA2015SA0182-02.pdf

Vaccination strategies on Capra Ibex in the Bargy context (AST 2016-SA-0146). AST 2016-SA-0146 (Juillet, 2016). Demande d’Appui Scientifique et Technique pour définir et évaluer bibliographiquement les critères préalables à une approche vaccinale contre la brucellose chez les bouquetins du massif du Bargy. https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/SABA2016SA0146Ra.pdf

EU standards and reference collection

List of recent publications

Web documents, guidelines & tools


Please consult our updated list of EURL approved reagents batches

Assessment of listing and categorisation of ovine epididymitis within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429)

Ovine epididymitis (Brucella ovis) has been assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on the eligibility of ovine epididymitis to be listed, Article 9 for the categorisation of ovine epididymitis according to disease prevention and control rules as in Annex IV and Article 8 on the list of animal species related to ovine epididymitis. The assessment has been performed following a methodology composed of information collection and compilation, expert judgement on each criterion at individual and, if no consensus was reached before, also at collective level. The output is composed of the categorical answer, and for the questions where no consensus was reached, the different supporting views are reported.