Rose Bengal Test
This test is a simple spot agglutination test using antigen stained with rose bengal and buffered to a low pH, 3.65 ± 0.05 (Morgan et al., 1969).
MORGAN W.J.B., MACKINNON D.J., LAWSON J.R. & CULLEN G.A. (1969). The rose bengal plate agglutination test in
the diagnosis of brucellosis. Vet. Rec., 85, 636–641.
Training session at ANSES, 23-24 May 2019
Molecular biology
The first 2019 training session focused on molecular methods, including real time PCR, Bruce Ladder and HRM (High Melting Resolution) PCR. This 2-day session combining theory and practice regrouped 8 participants from Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal and Romania.